Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Better Late than Never

     We’ve been writing this blog, first weekly and now monthly, for over a year and, with a few minor exceptions, it’s been on time. You could plan on it, every Monday (now the first Monday of the month), you could count on the fact that we’d be posting a blog. If you’re not someone that we get to talk to a lot, you’re probably wondering what happened. I mean, why is it December 17 and we’re just getting around to posting something? Are we not adopting anymore? Did we get moved into the witness protection program? What is going on here?!?!

    Some major things have been happening since our last update. First of all, we found a birth mom! We were fortunate enough to make a connection with a wonderful young woman in Illinois who decided that she wanted to place her child with us. We’ve stayed in close contact via email for several weeks, but we were able to finally meet her face to face last weekend. As awkward as a dinner with someone you’ve never met can be, our meeting was fantastic. We’ve been really blessed to get to go through this process with such a great person.

     The other major thing that’s going on (although it’s a part of the same thing, I suppose) is that she’s due pretty soon. Really, really soon. Like “5 weeks from now” soon. So sometime in mid to late January, we’ll be welcoming a wonderful baby boy into our home. The fact that this is all happening so suddenly is another reason we’ve put off the blog a little bit. There have been several nights when we’ve had to contact lawyers and adoption agencies, not to mention our birth mom, and also make sure we have plans in place for when it’s time to go meet our child. There’s a lot to do and a short time in which to do it, but with a lot of help, prayer, and hard work, we’re getting there.

    So, if any of you were wondering, that’s why there’s been no blog. We’ve been busy, but we also wanted to wait until after we met our birth mom. As stressful as things have been at times, we’ve really been blessed that God has put us in this situation.

    We’ll keep updating the blog over the next few months to let everyone know how things are going. We also still have a fundraiser planned for April 12 that we’ll keep you updated on. When we picked the date for the fundraiser, we never imagined that we’d even be matched with a birth mom by then, let alone have a child. I guess God had some different things in mind. Regardless, we’re going to go ahead with the fundraiser which will hopefully cover most of the remaining adoption costs. So go ahead and mark your calendar.

    Finally, we can’t say enough how much we appreciate all of the support and prayers you’ve given to us throughout this process. The feedback you’ve given us, both through the blog and in person, has been tremendous and has kept us going. We look forward to keeping you updated as we finally meet our child, and seeing many of you on April 12 so we can introduce you to the newest addition to our family.

From us (all 3 of us) to you, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year.