Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, October 8, 2012

GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!...Just Kidding :)

     Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for. It's the time when we ask for your help. Come on, you all knew it was coming. From the time you read the first post on here, you thought, "That's great, but I bet they'll come to me with their hands out sooner or later." It's ok, because today is the day. Now, as we all know, adoption can be very expensive (as you all grip your wallets a little tighter), and a lot of people choose to do fundraisers to help with some of the cost (now you're thinking of your excuses to say no). So take a deep breath and listen to what we need from you. Ready? Here it is......we don't want your money. I mean, don't get me wrong, if you happen to have some cash sitting around that you don't need, we'll be glad to take it off your hands, but we're not asking for any money from anyone right now. What we want from you is your brain. And no, not in like a zombie/Hannibal Lecter way. We want you to help us be creative.
Later, sometime after the first of the year, we're going to start doing some fundraising events. Now exactly what those are and when they'll be is a little up in the air right now, but we'll keep you updated. However, one thing that we're going to do is make t-shirts. We'll be selling these shirts to anyone who wants one or wants to help us along this process, and we'll probably also be wearing them at any of our fundraising events. We aren't expecting to get rich from these shirts, but we felt like this was a good way for people who wanted to help to be involved.
Here's where you come in: design our shirts. Nothing is off the table. You pick the color, design, wording, whatever; the ball is in your court. We've gone through a few ideas ourselves, but for the sake of not influencing you one way or another, I'm not telling you what we've talked about. What we're looking for is something that could be worn by everyone (if you make a pink shirt with rainbows and kittens, I'm not wearing it), something that relates to our goals (a shirt saying IU basketball is awesome might be true, but has nothing to do with our mission), and is visually appealing.
There's also talk of a bracelet, like one of those livestrong things, so if you want to include bracelet ideas, that would be great too. Either way, you can send your ideas to my email (, to either of us on facebook, or leave them in the comments section below. We're looking for a lot of participation on this too, so share it with your creative friends and family members.
So there it is, go get to work on your idea. Work on 5 or 6 ideas if you want, there's no limit. We'll let everyone know when we have shirts made and how you can get one when that time comes, but for now, let's all just have some fun with this. The best t-shirt gets....well, nothing really. But maybe we'll let you hold our baby sometime when he's crying.

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