Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, January 14, 2013

News! Finally News!

      When we wrote last week’s update, we tried to let all of you know about the work we had planned for the next seven days. After putting a busy week behind us, we’re finally able to share with you in a little more detail, what we worked on. On Monday night we traveled to Anderson, Indiana to meet with our first adoption agency. We spent about an hour and half (along with another couple) meeting with a representative of the Miriam Project ( ). Although driving 2 ½ hours after working all day to have a 90 minute meeting isn’t necessarily how we’d like to spend our evenings, it was a great visit. We left the meeting very impressed with the agency and the work that they do. We have one more information meeting scheduled for this weekend with another agency. While we’re still open to talking to any other agencies, these are the only two we’ve decided to talk to so far, so we might be making a decision very soon.
Another thing we worked on last week was planning our fundraisers. After our meeting Saturday, I can now officially tell you that our soup supper will be Saturday, February 23 at Westview Christian Church. We’ll start serving food at 5:30 and eat until everyone has had enough or until we run out of food. Brian Walton, senior pastor at Calvary Christian Church ( in Winchester, KY, will be our guest speaker and some members of the praise team from Calvary will be providing music during dinner. Another fundraiser that we’re planning is a “Can Our Yard Night” on Friday, May 11. The idea for this is pretty simple, save your aluminum cans, bring them to our house, throw them in our yard. It’s approved vandalism. There are a few rules we need to follow like keeping the cans in the side yard (so the neighbors don’t totally hate us) and within our property line (again, neighbors), but we’ll keep you informed of all that between now and then. The main thing to remember for now is to save all your cans. Tell your friends, your co-workers, your church groups to start saving them too. We want to see the entire yard covered. I’m debating sitting in the middle of the yard on a lawn chair to give people a target, but I’m not totally sure about that yet. We’ll have some flyers for this and the soup supper available soon so you can try to explain this without your friends thinking you’re crazy.
One more thing happened this week that I wanted to mention. We received an email Friday from Amber Spurgeon about making a donation to our adoption in honor of her friends Seth & Lauren finalizing the adoption of their 3 children. We can’t tell you how much this means to us in so many ways. Obviously, we appreciate the donation and the fact that it gets us a step closer to getting our child home. For that, we've eternally grateful. But more than that, when we see someone else adopting we feel inspired. This has been a calling for us since last summer and to see other embrace that same call lifts our spirits. Forgive me if this is preachy, but we as Christians are called by God to embrace the orphans and love them as our children just as He adopts us as His children. It's our continued prayer that this spirit of adoption continues to spread across the world to all people so that more of these children will find their forever families. And to Tabbitha, Heather, & Tyler, welcome home.

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