Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, June 24, 2013

We're done!!..Just kidding

    It’s over! We’re finally finished! Ok, we’re not totally finished, but we’re sort of finished…with some stuff…..almost. We did make a lot of progress this week though that has us very excited. First of all, our home study is finally finished. We had to track down a few more documents to add to the report in the last couple of days, but we received an email from our case worker today that said everything was finished. We weren’t really worried about it getting finished, but it was a great relief to finally have it done.

    The other thing we finished this week was our profile book. This is the book that our agency will show to birthmothers that they feel might be a good match for us. The book is full of pictures of us and our family and friends and gives them an idea of who we are. If it sounds a little like an advertisement for us, well, it kind of is I guess, but it allows the birth mother to get a good idea of the family she might be placing her child with. To say that we (and by “we” I mean Ashley) have obsessed over the making of this book in the last few weeks is an understatement. We’ve looked through every picture we can find and went over every word to make sure everything was just right. After reading over it several times together, we took it to a few other people to make sure it was ok, then sent it to our case worker. This was the scary part. I mean, we love our case worker, but we’ve also never made a book like this. We wouldn’t have been surprised if she came back with a list of things we did wrong that had to be fixed. Fortunately, she emailed us today and said everything looked great. While it doesn’t seem like a big deal to go online and make a photo book, getting this done was a huge victory for us.

     So now that those two things are done, we’re getting close to having our part of things finished. We’ll get the book and home study turned in, then we’ll be in the waiting pool (Not to be confused with the wading pool, which would be much more fun). Our agency doesn’t work off a waiting list, so we could get matched up with a birth mother any time after that. We’re hoping the wait will be short, and that very soon some birth mother will see our profile and think that we’re just what she is looking for. No matter how long the wait is though, we’re excited at the progress we’ve made and how close we are to getting to our child.

     We probably agonized over the profile book too much…..and the home study…..and pretty much everything else, but in the end it’s all going to be worth it. We’re excited about what’s happening with this process. Even though it might take longer than we like, we feel like we’re taking huge steps to getting closer to our child. We’re excited about what’s happening and we’re excited that you’ve all chosen to be a part of this journey with us. Thanks for everything.

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