Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, May 6, 2013

Can Our Yard Night!

      We’re going to keep this short and sweet tonight for a few reasons. First of all, we’re getting ready for our next fundraiser this weekend, so we don’t have a lot of extra time. And secondly, I forgot about writing the blog until after 9 o’clock tonight. Sorry.

     Anyway, this week is our long-awaited “Can Our Yard Night” and we couldn’t be more excited. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone as they come over to trash our yard for the evening (and to clarify, it’s only that evening. This isn’t going to be an every weekend thing). So Friday night, from 6-11 pm, swing by our house at 981 Orchard Rd. in Salem and come take part. And while you’re at it, tell your friends, co-workers, neighbors, or whoever else you can find to stop by also. This is a “more the merrier” kind of situation. If you don’t have any cans at home, we can work with that. Just stop by the store, buy a can of coke, drink it on your way here, then toss it in the yard. No problem!

     We’ll have everything marked as best we can, but just to keep everyone in the loop, here’s how this is going to work. First of all, we’re going to be dumping all the cans in yard on the south side of the house. We’re keeping things on that side of the house just to make sure we keep them from drifting into the neighbor’s yard or into the road. Don’t worry, the side yard will allow plenty of room for you to dump as many cans as you’d like. We’ll have everything marked off in the yard though, so when you get here, you’ll know where you can dump everything. Also, when you get here, we’re going to have you turn into the driveway, then into the yard. This should make it easier for everyone to get off the road, dump their cans, then safely get back on the road. Again, we’ll have all of this marked off so there won’t be any confusion. Driving through the yard shouldn’t be any problem (unless it’s really soggy, then just drive slow) but if you’re worried about damaging the yard, just remember, we’ll have a yard full of aluminum cans. We appreciate the concern, but we’ll have bigger problems.

     But just because the entrance and exit will be marked, don’t think that we’re going to push you through like you’re in the drive-thru at McDonald’s. We want to have fun with this and we want you to also. If you want to drop them off and leave, that’s fine, but if you feel like hanging out with us for a little while, we’ll have a spot on the side of the yard where you can park and stay for a little while. We’ll be sitting around outside from 6-11, and we’d love to have the company.

     I think that pretty much covers all the details, but if you have questions or there’s anything I didn’t cover, you can call me at 812-968-4975, or send either of us (or our adoption page) a message on facebook and we’ll answer any questions you have. We’re looking forward to a really fun evening and hope to see all of you there. We’re as excited to see you guys as some of you are to make a mess in our yard. And, by the way, if any of you really enjoy picking up cans, then I think I might be able to hook you up with a fun activity for Saturday!

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