Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, May 27, 2013

Home Study? NAILED IT.

So we finally made it. After weeks of worrying about what the home study would be like, we were finally able to get through it.  In retrospect, there was no need to worry at all, our case worker’s visit on Thursday and Friday couldn’t have gone any better. We spent about 3 hours Thursday evening answering a few questions both individually and together, then another hour or so on Friday talking about a few other things, and after that we were done. It was great.

The fact that we got through this with such ease is due in large part to our great case worker from The Miriam Project. Brooke and her agency have been outstanding to work with since we first met them. They’ve always been eager to help with any questions we’ve had and have been an amazing partner in this process. The other way we got through this was through all the support of our family and friends. Last week, as this home visit was drawing near, we asked for your prayers. When it came time for our home study, the nerves we’d felt the weeks before (the nerves that fueled cleaning and painting binges around our home) sort of disappeared. By Thursday afternoon, we felt comfortable. We were comfortable answering the questions we were asked, comfortable talking about the paperwork we had to do, and comfortable discussing the future of the child we’ve prayed for all this time.

Next on our seemingly endless to-do list is the creation of a profile book. This will be a book of photos and descriptions for our agency to show to birth mothers that they feel would be good matches for us. The goal is to try to use this book to try and show who we are. I’m not sure if that’s possible, but we’re going to do our best. Eventually, this book will find its way into the hands of a birth mother who hoping to provide for her child what we can give. So just when we thought the pressure was off, here we are back in it again. Regardless, we’re confident that God has a plan for this process. He already has a birth mother and child in mind for us. And while I’m sure we’ll still agonize over every picture and every word that goes into that book, knowing that He is in charge continues to comfort us.

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