Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, February 4, 2013

Oy, with the Questions Already!!

               So what did you eat for dinner 6 weeks ago? What’s your average wait time at your favorite drive thru? Can you describe in detail all the times you’ve tried to spend a Canadian penny within the borders of United States? If you can answer questions like these, congratulations, you’re ready to fill out adoption paperwork. You think I’m exaggerating? One of those is a real question we have to answer! Ok, maybe not, but still, these questions are rough. We were pretty excited when we first got our paperwork sent to us, but I’ll admit that this is pretty exhausting. Every night after dinner, we try to knock out a few more questions. It’s become our new hobby. Some people watch tv, some people read, we answer questions about any and all aspects of our lives. As draining as answering question after question is, we’ve managed to stay positive about it so far. The way we see it, this is just another thing that needs to be knocked out of the way in order for us to get our child. Hopefully we’ll get to the end soon, but until we do, we’ll keep chipping away at it.

           This reminds me of another thing, you guys are great. I’ve said that before, I know, but it’s true. So many of you have been so encouraging to us, whether it’s through facebook, emails, or face to face conversations, it’s all meant a great deal to us. We read an article the other day about top ten things people say to adopted parents that they shouldn’t say. Luckily, we’ve rarely heard any of them (rarely, though not never). But we’ve been very fortunate in that our friends have been great. You’re always checking on how things are going and asking questions, and we’re so happy to share this experience with you. And if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. We love talking about this. Seriously, it’s pretty much the number one topic of conversation at our house. But reading all of the comments that other adoptive parents have received makes us realize how great our friends and family are. Thanks again for everything.

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