Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

No August Happenings

We’ve been away from this blog for about a month now, so I’m sure you’re ready to hear about all the progress we’ve made since early August. Are you ready to hear about all you’ve missed? Well here it is….not much.  Like we’ve been for a few months now, we’re still dealing with the waiting. While we wait though, we’re consistently trying to find ways to educate and prepare us for the rest of our adoption process.

     Like we’ve done since we started considering adoption, we’re still reading every kind of adoption material we can get our hands on, listening to adoption podcasts, and watching things on TV about adoption. Recently though, we heard about a national adoption conference that will be in Louisville this year, which is great for us.  We’re looking forward to spending the weekend at this event in October, so hopefully we’ll be able to share a lot of the material from that weekend with you when we do our next blog update.

     As we told you about in our last entry, we’re also preparing for our adoption agency’s annual 5k fundraiser. At the time of our last blog entry this seemed so far off, but now that we’re a week and a half away, I’m starting to get a little concerned. I mean, surely I’ll make it, right? I’ve seen people in worse shape than me who say they’ve been to a 5k, so I like my chances. Plus it’s walking and I could probably walk all day, I suppose. It did help though when Ashley explained to me that “5k” didn’t mean 5,000 miles.

    As far as our actual adoption goes though, we’re still stuck in what seems like an endless amount of waiting. Granted, it’s only been a few months since we’ve finished our home study, and we’re aware that sometimes people have to wait much longer, but the waiting hasn’t gotten any easier. Of course, we hope that by the time we update this blog next month, we’re full of information about all the progress we’ve made to get closer to our child. However, until then, we continue to appreciate all of the support and prayers that you’ve given us. Thanks again.

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