Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, January 21, 2013

And the winner is....

       It’s funny how things sometimes don’t turn out as you plan. For example, if you were to tell me 20 years ago that this month I’d make 2 trips to Indianapolis to meet with agencies, I would have assumed that I was negotiating my new contract with the Pacers. But Saturday we made our second trip to Indy in as many weeks to meet with another agency. After doing our research, we had come up with these 2 agencies as our favorites and hoped that, after our meeting Saturday, we could come to a decision. We didn’t know what to expect and, despite how well our meeting went last week, we were keeping an open mind. In fact, we had no real front-runner and only prayed that, after our meeting, our decision would be clear. After our meeting though, it was abundantly clear.

         As nice as our visit was Saturday, we were able to say when we left, without any doubt that this place was not for us. Not that there was anything wrong with this particular organization, because it was a fine place, but from the moment we walked in we could tell that this place wasn’t for us. We sat quietly in a large room with probably 30 other couples and listened to all of the information about the agency, but the more they talked the more it became obvious that we needed to be somewhere else. Luckily, we already had a meeting with a great agency last week, so our decision became very easy. So with all that out of the way, we can now say that (pending our application paperwork) we’re excited about working with The Miriam Project.  We’re so happy with this organization and the work that they’re doing and can’t wait to get started.

         Now comes the application process, and list of documents that we have to gather just to get the application started fills an entire page. While the process will be lengthy, we’re looking forward to getting the first steps done. The sooner we get this part finished, the sooner we get our child home.

        We’re also excited about the soup supper fundraiser we’re having in a few weeks on Feb. 23. Mark your calendars and come join us. Also, don’t forget “Can Our Yard Night” at our house on May 10. Start saving up all your aluminum cans, tell your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to do the same and come trash our yard! We’ll have flyers for both of these events available shortly. We’ll also be putting in another order for t-shirts very soon, possibly by the end of this week, so if you’re interested in one, please let us know as soon as you can.

      Thanks again to all of you for being so involved and so helpful in this process. Your help and prayers mean so much to us.  

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