Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Sunday, January 6, 2013

To busy for Monday

Now that we’re one week into the year, many of us are clinging to what’s left of those resolutions that seemed so achievable seven days ago. I never break any New Year’s resolutions because I never make them, so my undefeated streak stays pretty safe. Since last year though, we’ve resolved as a family to do everything we can in 2013 to make our adoption a reality. While we know that sometimes this can take longer than we hope, this year will be committed to making this happen. We’re looking forward to 12 months of meetings, fundraisers, and paperwork about as much as any two human beings can. A process which, by the time many of you read this, will have already begun.

        This week we’ll be making a trip to the Indianapolis area to meet with an adoption agency for an information session. While we haven’t decided on any agency yet, after researching pretty much every agency in the region, we were impressed with what we found about this one. While we’re preparing to meet with multiple agencies until we find the right fit, we’re hoping that we find that fit sooner than later and would appreciate all of your prayers.

       We’re also meeting this week to make preparations for our first fundraiser dinner. We’ll be working with our volunteers (aka: all the family members we could con into helping us) and trying to plan out a night that will be a good time for everyone involved. Hopefully by next week’s blog we’ll be able to share some of the details with you.

      With all that on our plate in the first two weeks of the year, we’re putting ourselves on a pretty busy pace for the remaining 50 weeks. But this is what our 2013 is about; dedicating ourselves to doing everything we can this year to get this done.  The more we get into this, the more we see how big of a job this adoption process is. It’s impossible for me to imagine how couples go through this without the amazing support system we’ve been given. Since we made this decision, everyone has been so supportive. Those of you who’ve purchase t-shirts and bracelets, made donations, prayed for us, and even read this blog have meant so much to us. We can’t thank you enough. Sorry if this is a little repetitive, but we really can’t tell you how excited we are and how much we appreciate each of you. This is going to be a fun year. We’re so glad you’ve come along for the ride.

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