Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wowzers April!

April is a great month. It's the month of opening day baseball, April Fool's, and showers that bring May flowers. It's really quite awesome. This year though, April is about more than that. We're going to be going non-stop this month in an effort to get some fundraisers finished. So no opening day baseball for us, no April Fool's pranks, and please, please, no showers (at least while we're doing things outside) because this is a work month.
We're not totally busy with adoption stuff. The first weekend in April will be busy, but nice. We're doing some family stuff which will keep us busy, but will be fun. By the time the next weekend rolls around though, it will be time to put on your game faces because we're getting down to business. We're having a yard sale pricing day at our house. We've been planning to have a yard sale as a fundraiser for a long time. Ever since we had that idea, we told people we knew who were having yard sales, "Hey, if you don't want that leftover stuff, we'll take it." While that seemed like a good idea, the yard sale items quickly overtook one bedroom in our house......then another......then a room at my sister's house.......and my mom's house. So on yardsale pricing day, it all comes out to get priced for our first yard sale at the end of the month (more on that later). We're excited to get this going so we can make some money for our adoption fund, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get the rest of our house back.
The next weekend, April 20, we're selling concessions at an auction near our house. We did this before and, hopefully, we learned from the mistakes we made last time. For example, we learned last time that people like to drink coffee first thing in the morning. (Who knew?!) Also, we learned that, if you're going to have food in cans, it's a good idea to bring a can opener. Despite a few mistakes, the last auction went great and we hope this one will too. Besides, I don't think we'll make the same mistakes twice. We'll make exciting new mistakes! So mark your calendars for the April 20 auction on Orhcard Rd. in Salem. We'll remind you again closer to the day, but it should be a lot of fun.
Finally, at the end of the month we'll be having our long-awaited yard sale in Orleans. Almost anything you need, we'll be selling. I'd list what we have, but it's probably easier to list what we don't have....puppies. I'm pretty sure anyway that we aren't selling puppies of any kind. Although if our dogs misbehave on pricing day, I can't guarantee you they won't get a pricetag stuck on them. The yard sale will be Friday and Saturday the 26th and 27th in Orleans (we'll have the address for you later) and will be a part of Orleans town wide yard sale day, so if we don't have what you need, someone probably will. But come check with us first, please. We'd appreciate it.
So, other than that, it should be a relaxing month. I'm not complaining though, it's all going to be worth it in the end. As exhausting as it will get, we're excited about all of the action going on this month. The more work we do toward our adoption, the more excited we get. It's going to be a fun few weeks. If you can join us for any of the events or want to help us with pricing, auction food, or working the yardsale, let us know. Regardless though, make plans to come see us on some of those days. We're going to have a lot of fun and look forward to sharing that time with all of you.
::Reminder Note::
Don't forget we are also having "Can My Yard Night" on May 10th! So keep saving those cans so you can litter our yard with them!

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